So I've been thinking a lot about happiness. We live in a world that, as is quite unsurprising for humans, encourages people to find happiness. Wherever they think it may be. We are programmed from the moment of birth to chase that happiness and it becomes our goal. This doesn't seem at a glance to be something bad. There isn't anything wrong with being happy or wanting to have happiness, but I have to break it you, happiness can't be owned. Happiness is a FEELING. Feelings are TEMPORARY. I do want to pause here and say mental illness is not a feeling, and I don't in any way want to discredit things like depression. But for people who don't have depression or other mental illness',humans are not perpetually stuck in one feeling all the time. Feelings come and go as needed or when situations or events change. The idea that we can somehow attain a feeling and keep it is erroneous and only leads to a captive life. As soon as that feeling is replaced by another, whether as a warning from our bodies or minds or from something else, we think we have to make a change to get it back. And so we are stuck in a never ending loop of losing and trying to find for our entire lives. Our goal should not be happiness. Instead, I challenge you to search for contentment. No, I don't mean the feeling of contentment, I mean a state of realizing where we are in life, and being able to say, "You know, if I had one wish, there isn't really anything I would change." Sure, a little extra income would be nice, but on the whole, my life is good. There are things I may have done that I regret but regretting is the opposite of contentment and we are again stuck in a loop of losing and not being able to get back. The past cannot be changed. We are here now, what can we do but move on and make new decisions that push us towards that life we want. Not the life that will make us happy. Maybe just a life we like.
I want to leave you with this final thought or challenge. Stop living in this prison of chasing a single feeling. Embrace all the crazy, pleasant, unpleasant, and relaxed feelings that come and go and take from them what you need without trying to hold on. Move like the trees in the wind and embrace everything, good or bad that comes your way. Make choices you like. Be thankful every day, in all ways and in all feelings. Strive to be a better person every day, be kind, and always choose love. That is all anyone should be chasing. <3
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